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Commands are an interface for users and other plugins to trigger specific actions of your plugins. They are usually executed via chat, console, web interface or rcon.

Example command: /kick PlayerA "Some kick Reason".

Implementing Commands

There are two ways to implement commands in RocketMod 4. The first one is by implementing the IRocketCommand interface, the second one is by using the [RocketCommand] attribute.

1. Registering Commands with IRocketCommand

Implement the IRocketCommand interface like this:

using Rocket.API;
using Rocket.Unturned.Chat;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ExamplePlugin.Commands
    public class SampleCommand : IRocketCommand
        public AllowedCaller AllowedCaller => AllowedCaller.Both;

        public string Name => "sample";

        public string Help => "Sample command that writes back Hello World! to you";

        public string Syntax => string.Empty;

        public List<string> Aliases => new List<string>();

        public List<string> Permissions => new List<string>();

        public void Execute(IRocketPlayer caller, string[] command)
            UnturnedChat.Say(caller, "Hello World!", UnityEngine.Color.cyan);

  • AllowedCaller: Allow command user (Player, Console or Both)
  • Name: The commands name (e.g. rocket, buy, kick, etc).
  • Help: A short summary of the commands function.
  • Syntax: A syntax string for the command [] = optional and <> = required (e.g. [steamId] ).
  • Aliases: A list of alternative for the name, not required.
  • Permissions: A list of alternative for the permissions, not required.
  • Execute: The method that gets invoked when someone executes your command.

IRocketCommands are automatically registered when your plugin loads.

2. Registering Commands with RocketCommand attribute

The exactly same doing sample command you can also make using RocketCommand attribute like this:

[RocketCommand("sample", "Sample command that writes back Hello World! to you")]
public void SampleCommand(IRocketPlayer caller, string[] command)
    UnturnedChat.Say(caller, "Hello World!", UnityEngine.Color.cyan);


If you want to initialize commands using RocketCommand attribute, you must do it in the instance class of a plugin, otherwise commands will not load!